The Felling by John Grey
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in
That, Dunes Review, Poetry East and North Dakota Quarterly with work upcoming in Haight-Ashbury Literary Journal, Thin Air, Dalhousie Review and failbetter.
A forest of ringing axes
thunders like fleeing wildlife,
as trunks crack and fall,
sap drips to the ground
like blood without body.
A field of skulls
is aimlessly rooted
to sun-scarred soil,
as men move on,
triumphant blades held high.
Years later
I encounter the devastation
in a diary,
tears as words,
dry but unrelenting.
No need to return,
cuss out the damage
some big box store has wreaked.
It’s the page, fixed lines,
that govern a memory.
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