Antennas of Absence by Sudeep Adhikari

Antennas of Absence

“The house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.” ― Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space

I look at the mosaic of corroded bricks,  
on the skin of an earthquake ridden house
in my neighborhood. Almost a Pollock's
 like painting of an overpowering
absence. I can't unfeel it.

What have you in your innermost depths?
What is the grammar of your mute,
 which speaks the language of a melting day?
What is the color of infinity, trapped inside
the cuboids of your incomplete death?

Questions translate to answers in themselves,  
and absence is not always a void.
Right on its thin concrete slab, a bird sits
and watches over an anxious city,
sending radio-waves to satellites of unnamable aches. 

Bio: Sudeep Adhikari is a structural engineer/Lecturer  from Kathmandu, Nepal.   His recent publications were with   Red Fez , Kyoto  , Your One Phone Call, Jawline Review, Anti-Heroin Chic, Yellow Mama, Fauna Quarterly, Beatnik Cowboys, After The Pause, Poetry Pacific, Silver Birch Press and  Vox Poetica. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Unnamable aches - I can't unfeel it. Beautiful ��


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