Illuminated Reflections by Blanca Alicia Garza

Illuminated Reflections 

Another day gone by 

The Moon rises

upon the velvet sky 

Thoughts of you come 

and go like waves 

Making storms rise 

beneath my skin 

My blood flows like lava 

through my veins 

My heart races, my nerves 

thrill to your touch 

The warm gentle breeze 

caressing my hair 

As I hear your name gently 

whispered upon the wind

I was trying to write you a poem 

but I thought I saw your face 

in my old tattered notebook 

But it is was only the illuminated 

reflection of the Full Moon. 

It's early morning now and I'm 

still awake desiring your presence 

as my lonely heart weeps in silence.

(Initially published on Indiana Voice Journal)

Bio: Blanca Alicia Garza is from Las Vegas, Nevada. She is a nature and animal lover, and enjoys spending time writing. Some of her poems are published in the Poetry Anthology, "Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze", now available at Blanca's published work can be viewed at The Poet Community, Whispers, The Winamop Journal, Indiana Voice Journal, Tuck Magazine, Scarlet Leaf Review as well as Birdsong Anthology 2016, Vol 1.


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