If Not For You By Grant Guy

If Not For You

If not for you I would be a happy man
If not for you I would be a sad man
That is the arc of love I walk along
It is not your fault It is not my fault
The fault lies in the stars and in the composition of love

When caught up in the eddy of love
I lose my oars and rudders 
And flow along the crimson river to its source
And back again over rapids and angelic pools
I am not captains of my charts
I am the wind blowing against rock and silk

If not for love I would not be human
If not for you I would not exist

BIO: Grant Guy is a Winnipeg, Canada, poet, writer and playwright. His poems and short stories have been published in Canada and Internationally. He has three books published: Open Fragments (Lives of Dogs), On the Bright Side of Down and Bus Stop Bus Stop (Red Dashboard). His plays include an adaptation of Paradise Lost and the Grand Inquisitor. He was the 2004 recipient of the Manitoba Arts Council’s 2004 Award of Distinction and the 2017 recipient of the Winnipeg Arts Council’s Making A Difference Award.


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