Ken Allan Dronsfield is a disabled veteran, poet and fabulist originally from New Hampshire, now residing on the plains of Oklahoma. His work can be found in magazines, journals, reviews and anthologies. He has two poetry books, "The Cellaring" a collection of 80 poems of light horror, paranormal, weird and wonderful work. His newest book, "A Taint of Pity: Life Poems Written with a Cracked Inflection just released on He is a three time Pushcart Prize and twice Best of the Net Nominee for 2016-2017. Ken loves writing, thunderstorms, walking in the woods at night and spending time with his cats Willa and Yumpy.
Adrift into a Snow Globe
As I gaze through the glass of the old snow globe.
My mind drifts off and I find myself there skating.
Through the snow flakes, and the bonfire's glow
mugs of cocoa with tiny marshmallows waiting.
The vision of my girl, wearing her long red coat
with faux fur around the hood and white mittens,
knitted hat and long white scarf cover her throat
skating along the pond, her blond hair in ribbons.
Moving along with grace in my old black skates
I race along the pond, trying to catch up with her
finally getting close, I call out, then she hesitates
I fly on, trip, land on my dignity, hitting with a blur
I can hear her giggling with glee from behind me,
but I suddenly wake from my daydream visions
still standing there, globe in hand, i lrave it be,
smiling, thankful for loves adoration
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