Being Friends by Joanna M Weston


the words we never say
bind us like a ribbon
that stretches across miles

those words unsaid
laughter that lights our days
or brims into tears

the love unspoken
that trips us both
bumps and moves on
into discoveries
at a table and walked
into memory

JOANNA M. WESTON. Married; has one cat, multiple spiders, raccoons,
a herd of deer, and two derelict hen-houses. Her middle-reader, ‘Frame
and The McGuire', published by Tradewind Books 2015; and poetry,
 ‘A Bedroom of Searchlights’, published by Inanna Publications, 2016.
Other books listed at her blog:


  1. Today, I heard from a friend with serious health issues. Your poem is what I need today. Thanks.


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