Eye to Eye by Scott Thomas Outlar
Eye to Eye
I have searched for Truth
and found it lacking
in this wicked world
full of falsehoods
as liars
lead their brethren
toward the edge of despair.
I have searched for Peace
amongst the many tribes
across all lands
where nature remains pure
even as manufactured wars
are brought to a crescendo
of madness and chaotic turbulence.
I have searched for Empathy
with empty palms
while sand drains
through the clenched fists
of would-be conquerors
who use faked compassion
as a means to distort consciousness.
I have searched for Love
and finally learned the lesson
that such an emotion
must first be discovered within one’s own soul
before it can ever be
realized in the eyes of another
who values their self on the same level.
Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the site 17Numa.wordpress.com where links to his published poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, and books can be found. His work was nominated for three Pushcart Prizes in 2016. Scott is a member of The Southern Collective Experience. He serves as an editor for Walking Is Still Honest Press, The Blue Mountain Review, and The Peregrine Muse.
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