The Nervous Managers by David Francis

The Nervous Managers

A nervous man in the library
is like what we call an
“hysterical” manager of a diner
with whom to imagine to work
makes you wince, gives you
sympathy for the cooks
and ruins your meal.  Or
a waiter who looks at you
funny if you order water
instead of wine or who is
in so much a hurry he
rushes off, later bringing
the wrong thing and by then
you are too hungry to exchange it.

All these owners, these ex-
military men, civilian police…

Don’t they realize there are
places and moments that don’t need bosses?

David Francis has produced six albums of
songs, one of poems, and "Always/Far,"
a chapbook of lyrics and drawings.  His
film "Village Folksinger" has been screened
in the US and the UK.  David's poems and
stories have appeared in a number of
journals and anthologies.


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