Summer Night by Blanca Alicia Garza

Summer Night 

Sleepless on a warm
Summer night in August 
wondering if your 
hands can touch me
like your words did,
if with every touch,
every whisper, every
caress you could 
feed my starving soul.
The thought of your
fingers running through
my skin awakens the 
wild woman inside of me,
blowing my imagination 
and making my heart 
beat fast, but it's
just a thought, maybe 
just a beautiful dream 
on a warm  Summer night...
when I look beside me 
I just see an empty space,
and that shreds my heart.

Bio: Blanca Alicia Garza is a Poet from Las Vegas, Nevada. She is a nature and animal lover, and enjoys spending time writing. Her poems are published in the Poetry Anthologies, "Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze", and "Dandelions in a Vase of Roses" now available at Blanca's work can be found in  The Poet Community, Whispers, The Winamop Journal, Indiana Voice Journal, Tuck Magazine, Raven's Cage Ezine, Scarlet Leaf Review as well as Birdsong Anthology 2016, Vol 1.


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