Unconditional Thread by Vatsala Radhakeesoon

Unconditional Thread by Vatsala Radhakeesoon
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Profound Inspirational Read
March 24, 2019
Format: Paperback
Vatsala's poetry pays tribute to her love of nature and the divine, in an inspirational style praising the universe with a focus on our existence as one spiritual being. Each poem has an inspirational message to be contemplated and meditated. This volume of poetry has you thinking and looking at the world with a grateful heart and soothing soul. Experiencing the words in this book will have you seeing the universe in a positive new light. A must read!!!

Sample Poetry From
Unconditional Thread

Born from
the Divine’s golden thread
Molded with
perfection, purity and grace
I’m the invisible heart –
the unconditional thread
ruling the universe

I’m soft
I’m generous
I’m not from
the Mundane
the materialistic world
the uncanny competitive rules

I’m omnipresent
but recognized, seen
only by the unadulterated

I, Unconditional Thread
survive in immortal realms
and go on whispering
in every ear
“ Love, love and love
discarding mental blocks
and embracing spontaneity.”

I am Love

I was born in the soul
I live in the heart
I reason out through the mind

When I give,
I give my affection openly
to all friends alike
I don’t discriminate

I believe in sharing
I have nothing to hide

Introversion  is not part
of the game
Reaching out to people
is my main aim
I am Love –
the greatest emotion
impregnated in all creatures

In the declining dark ages
I’m often misunderstood
I’m often maligned
I suffer from blows, bruises
and severe pain
I may bend like a horseshoe
but that’s only for a while
Shortly, I’m back to
my normal self
with straight posture
and maintaining
my inner confidence.

Amidst the War

Amidst the war
I’m still there
but blinded by
your weapons of ego
you cannot
see me
feel me
breathe me

As an observer,
I can see
your mind’s illusion

As a counsellor,
I whisper
in every human ear
“O human race!
O God’s favourite creation!
Transform prejudice into tolerance
Let the power of communication
flow and blossom into
the flower of negotiation

O human race!
Remember, please remember!
Only love can appease
the heartbeats of hatred
Only love can fly
with the doves of peace

True love has no wall
True love never fragmentizes,
True love never divides the world
into individual segments
True love can only unite
the whole”
O human race!
Amidst the war
my fragrance is veiled
but I’m there, still there
Please stop fighting
because in the end
you can’t deny it
Only love will win.

God’s Invitation

Welcome, welcome my children
under the huge umbrella!
I shelter the underfed, the overfed, the healthy

Breathe, breathe my children
without fear!
Air is free
Drink, drink my children
pure water from newly-born rivers!
They will quench your thirst,
sustain your life – your inquisitiveness

Walk, walk my children
head held up high with honesty!
The earth is an anchor for all feet
The world is yours

Feel, feel my children
the warmth of fire!
They’ll connect you instantly
to the sparks of your soul, all-immortal

Rest, rest my children
under the peaceful tree!
Pluck the fruits, the results –
your freedom, your birth rights.

In Abundance

I feel the divine light of dawn
all-meditative, silent
I cherish the daily warmth of  the sun
all-dutiful, hopeful
I’ve learnt to withstand  the ups and downs of life
unknown, unpredictable
I observe the wheel of karma
pouring tears, singing laughter
The night brings along
a poise , a deep breath –
an inner call to let go

My soul feels each second
the genuine, perfect gifts from God
I owe my life to Eternal Abundance
Now my heartbeats have *wisdomed
“ Plunging in narrow flames of depression
is no mode of expression, no logical solution”
Each atom in me whispers reflectively
“Happiness is my undeniable birthright.”

* wisdomed : a verb created by the poet to state the action of becoming wise

The Sole Leader

To my creators of light
holding the sun of life
To my character-molders
guiding the fragile green leaf
To you – all my visible, invisible stars
bow the infinite auric blue.

In dawn’s serene breeze
when all clamours turn into whispers
the wise Present blows in my ears
“ O child!
Now you are un-chained
Now you release the latent fright
Go! Swim in shallow crowds
Dive in the deeper world
with your heart to comfort you
with your soul to enlighten you
Now, O child! Face the raw,
face the refined Reality.”

Now I stand on my daily shores
watching, struggling with
the waves of unavoidable Experience
Rocky years keep hitting my life
I pay heed to Mother Tolerance

My plans flicker from bright stars
to the dimness of a crying torch cell
I wait, anticipate, hope
I foresee sunny eyes
I learn the power of patience

A light tropical feather  caresses my wrist
Endless greenery sings softness to my heartbeats
The strong sea  adds a sense of humor
to my thoughts
Now I let pain go
I  flow, I fly
in  the positivity of laughter

I hold the reign of my joys
I carry my keys of sorrows
Now, I’m my own master
my own guide
my own labyrinth- saviour
I’ve got my sober poise
I respect my momentary choice
Finally, I’m all-myself,
not fragmented
I’m the sole leader
of my uncoated , my unique
my unveiled life.


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