July 5, 1881 by Michael Ceraolo

 July 5, 1881


"History is but the unrolled scroll of Prophecy"


As I have now entered History,
I will enter on the Record
how I compose my Prophecies:

"I weave the discourse out of my brain
as cotton is woven into a fabric
When I compose my brain is in a white heat,
and my mind works like lightning"
A fine example of that work would be
what has come to be known to History
as the Garfield vs. Hancock speech,
a speech I gave once to great effect
That speech, and all my writings
"I write so rapidly I can hardly read it . . .
I divest myself of all unnecessary clothing
I eat and sleep mechanically"

***"This poem is from Eighty Days, dramatic monologues for each of the days from July 2nd through September 19th, the period from the day when President James Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau to the day he died."***


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