CIRCUS IN THE SKY by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal


Looking up at the constellations,
Stars descended into the sea,
The time passed by and it was night.

there was a circus in the sky,
slipping trapeze contortionists
and smoke filled stars exploding,
tight rope walking elephants,
and star-crossed lovers floating.

waves filled with electricity.
In the morning the sun fell in too.
Frenetic violinists performed at shore.
Siren songs could be heard for miles.
A flying fish flew to the sky.

The stars wiggled around like worms.
One star froze and then the rest
followed. I desired to be one of them,
full of light and sparkling. I wanted
to join that circus in the sky.

In July 2016 Kendra Steiner Editions published my latest chapbook, Make
the Light Mine.  The chapbook could be ordered through Kendra Steiner
Editions, who also publish music as well.
Luis works in the mental health field in Los Angeles CA.  His poems in English
and Spanish have appeared in online and print journals.  His latest chapbook,
Make the Light Mine, was published by Kendra Steiner Editions. 


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