Ghosts of Me by Melissa R. Mendelson

Ghosts of Me

Glimpses of a ghost
tells me that she is there still,
and time has not made her fade away.
The black holes of my life
have not kept her,
and the golden skies
of my dreams
has not found her.
She is there beside me,
and I am her in a blink.
Inside me,
she sleeps
along the scars of my mistakes
and of my nightmares,
and she looks out
into a world
that still doesn't see me.
They will is what my heart whispers,
and I can feel time drawing close.
The future is coming near.
I was hoping to leave
this person that I once was behind,
but she is there holding my hand,
a faded picture of me.
We are ready to take on the world
and see our dreams found.


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