Small Worlds I by Neil Ellman

Small Worlds I Painting by Wassily Kandinsky

Small Worlds I

(painting by Wassily Kandinsky)

Not an iota      not a dot
barely more than a particle of light
a syllable      a single word
a fragment of a sentence
without a point       and yet
contains  multitudes of meaning
myriad colors on a never-ending wheel
the shape of infinity in a drop of blood      
on the hands of time—
how small these worlds
this universe       in the darkness
of an amaranthine night
waiting for the light      the word
and the cries of a child
about to be born.

Neil Ellman is a poet from New Jersey.  He has published numerous poems, more than 1,000 of which are ekphrastic and written in response to works of modern art, in print and online journals, anthologies and chapbooks throughout the world.  He has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize and twice for Best of the Net.

Editors Note: This is an ekphrastic poem and based on a work of modern art. The title of this poem is that of the original image, Small Worlds I by Wassily Kandinsky - Image shown above.


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